There are many national, state and local programs and agencies that offer free and easily accessed information to families with aging parents.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
AARP is a nonprofit organization that offers educational programs, services and support of adults 50 and older. The AARP website contains an extensive caregiver section that provides information on caregiver support, long-term care, home care and housing.
888-OUR-AARP (888-687-2277)
Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA)
Provides seniors, adult children and consumers information about assisted living and long-term care choices.
“Assisted Living Guide and Checklist”
This free, downloadable (www.alfa.org) pamphlet produced by the Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) outlines information that is helpful in finding the best-suited assisted living community for your loved one. It also includes a checklist to guide you in asking the right questions in order to make well-informed comparisons when visiting various communities.
Caring for Yourself While Caring for Your Aging Parents by Claire Berman
Men and women involved in caring for aging parents often place their own need aside for those of their loved one. This book, written by such a caregiver, centers on the emotional stresses and needs of caregivers and helps prepare them for many issues they are likely to confront.
Children of Aging Parents (CAPS)
The Complete Eldercare Planner,
Second Edition by Joy Loverde
Where to start, which questions to ask, and how to find help.
How to Care for Aging Parents
by Virginia Morris, and Robert M. Butler
An award-winning “how to” workbook that uses realistic cases and step-by-step advice to help the children of aging parents make thoughtful and healthy decision during an emotionally challenging period in the life cycle.
Life Services Network of Illinois (LSN)
The Illinois affiliate of ALFA, LSN offers Parent Care Solutions, and eldercare consultation and referral service.
National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers
Geriatric Care Managers assist families and older adults in coordinating and managing long-term care plans and arrangements. They can help in coordinating long distance caregiving, crisis intervention, counseling and support and other tasks.
Social Security Administration
Federal agency responsible for the Social Security retirement program, survivors' benefits and the disability insurance program.