Job Openings
At Pathway to Living, we are committed to the success of each and every team member. Our internal brand promise is Care to Know — Then Make It Matter. In order to ensure that all team members feel respected, we've established the following commitments.
Commitment to Equal Opportunity
Pathway is committed to equality of opportunity for all qualified people. We prohibit discrimination by or against any person on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status or any other factor that is unrelated to our legitimate business interests. In addition, we strive to make appropriate and reasonable accommodations that enable any qualified disabled person to contribute to our mission and values.
Commitment to a Harassment-Free Workplace
Each of us – no matter what our differences in background, experiences or thought – is entitled to a workplace that is free from harassment. Harassment of any person is prohibited under Pathway’s Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated. Harassment is considered to be any conduct – verbal, physical or visual – that creates a hostile or offensive work environment or unreasonably interferes with another person’s ability to perform his or her work. This includes all forms of sexual harassment, including conduct that creates a sexually hostile, humiliating or offensive work environment.
Harassment directed at non-employees of Pathway – including residents, their families, suppliers, or other individuals – likewise is prohibited under our Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated.
The Right Stuff
We’re looking for the right people who will help take our company to the next level. Do you have the right stuff to contribute to the Pathway culture and support our vision? Ask yourself:
- Are you someone for whom “status quo” is simply not good enough?
- Do you actively seek feedback about your ideas and job performance?
- Do you search for other perspectives and try to get a greater understanding of the issues?
- Do you champion and support change when it is necessary?
- Are you patient?
- Can you listen to other people’s opinions and consider their perspectives?
- Can you empathize with residents, their families and fellow employees?
- Are you a “take charge” sort of person who strives to do better, asks questions, engages in conversations about the issues, communicates effectively, and can be supportive of and encourage ideas from others?
- Can you look beyond your basic job description and ask yourself “What else do I have to contribute?” and “How can I make a positive memorable customer experience happen today?”
If so, you’ve got the right stuff… the stuff that Pathway People are made of!
Commitment to Diversity
A critical component of making Pathway a great place to work is each of us understanding and welcoming our differences and similarities. People with different backgrounds and experiences bring important perspectives to Pathway’s unique business challenges and thinking. Crucial to sustaining Pathway’s unique culture is having an organization where everyone who works here feels like they are part of one company following one mission.
As expressed in Pathway’s Statement of Diversity, we believe hiring people who bring added diversity to our work force is important to our long-term success. With a diverse work force, we all benefit – and so do our customers.