
Navigating the seniors housing maze can be difficult at first. These simple definitions will help you with the terminology you will run into along the way. If you have questions about these terms, have additional senior housing terms you would like to suggest we add, or need additional help, please contact a Pathway community near you.

To see a term’s definition, click the title.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

A form of mental illness.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

May use machine (CPAP machine) at night to ensure open airway.

Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965

Directed to provide opportunities for older Americans to participate fully in the benefits of our society. The Act includes six titles. They are:

  • Title I: Declaration of Objectives: Definitions—This Title sets policy goals for improving the lives of older Americans and defines terms used within the Act.
  • Title II: This Title created the Administration on Aging to administer the Older Americans Act. The 1973 amendments established the Federal Council on the Aging to advise the President and Congress regarding the needs of older persons.
  • Title III: This Title created grants for state and community programs on aging. Most of the programs for older people are funded under this Title. It established authority for a network of State and Area Agencies on Aging. It authorizes funds for a number of programs such as: supportive services, congregate and home-delivered nutrition services, nonmedical in-home services for the frail elderly, elder abuse prevention, and long-term-care ombudsman services.
  • Title IV: This Title supports training, research, and discretionary projects and programs. This Title was created to expand the knowledge and understanding of aging and the aging process, to design and test innovative ideas in programs and services for older individuals, and to improve the quality of and help meet the needs for trained personnel in the field of aging.
  • Title V: This Title promotes part-time community service jobs for unemployed, low-income people age 55 and older. This Title is administered by the Secretary of Labor. Initially authorized in the 1973 Act as Title IX, the 1978 amendments changed the authorization to Title V and deleted Title IX.
  • Title VI: This Title was created to promote the delivery of supportive and nutrition services to American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians comparable to services under Title III.


All states are required to operate a Long-term Care Ombudsman program to investigate and resolve complaints made by or on behalf of older persons who are residents of long-term-care facilities. The Ombudsman monitors the implementation of federal, state, and local laws governing long-term-care facilities. The Ombudsman may be reached through the State Agency on Aging.

Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF)

Surgical procedure to repair a broken hip.

OsteoArthritis (OA)

Combination of osteoporosis and arthritis that weakens bones and causes joint pain; bones are easily broken; does not cause joint deformity.

Osteoporosis (OP)

Bones lose minerals, become weak and brittle.

OverActive Bladder (OAB)

May cause urinary incontinence.