Ten Keys to Happier Living…Sage Advice for All Ages

Backed by scientific research and leading experts, “Action of Happiness,” a movement that is committed to building a happier society, has found the key to happiness! More precisely, they determined the “TEN Keys to Happier Living!”

We at Pathway Senior Living find the Ten Keys not only inspirational but in perfect harmony with our commitment to influencing our residents’ overall happiness and well worth sharing. We’ll start with the first five Keys this month and send along the final five Keys in May. As a bonus, in addition to the experts’ advice, our residents have learned a thing or two about happiness over the years as well, so we’ve included their insights and “best practices” as well.

1. Giving – Do things for others.
Caring about others is fundamental to our happiness. Helping others makes us happier and healthier too. While donating money to a cause is good, giving your time, energy and ideas can be even better.
Pathway residents say that giving to others boosts happiness, connects them with others and takes their minds off of their own problems. They regularly share their talents with others by reading to preschoolers, making fleece blankets for the sick, walking for a cancer cure and volunteering in many other ways.
2. Relating – Connect with others.
Relationships are the most important overall contributor to happiness. People with strong and broad social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Many studies show that both the quality and quantity of social connections impact our health and longevity and appear to increase our immunity to infection, lower risk of heart disease and reduce mental decline as we get older.
Pathway residents say living in a communal environment opens the door to more opportunities to connect with others. Happy hours, story-telling groups, exercise classes or just enjoying a meal in the company of a neighbor are among the many ways Pathway seniors connect with each other.
3. Exercising – Take care of your body.
Our body and our mind are connected. Being active makes us happier and is also good for our physical health. It instantly improves our mood and can even lift us out of a depression. We don’t all need to run marathons — there are simple things we can all do to be more active each day.
Pathway residents keep active by joining walking clubs and doing yoga, chair chi, Zumba and other fitness activities.
4. Appreciating – Notice the world around.
Learning to be more mindful can do wonders for our well-being. Being truly mindful is about having as full as possible awareness of what is around us—what we see, hear, touch and taste. And what is happening inside—our thoughts and feelings. It helps us get in tune with our feelings and stops us from dwelling on the past or worrying about the future so we get more out of the day-to-day.
Pathway residents practice mindfulness by spending time in nature, studying other cultures, practicing yoga and working in the communities’ Victory Gardens.
5. Trying Out – Keep learning new things.
Learning affects our well-being in lots of positive ways. It exposes us to new ideas and helps us stay curious and engaged. It also gives us a sense of accomplishment and helps boost our self-confidence and resilience.

Sharing a skill with a friend, joining a club, learning a foreign language, hot air ballooning, overnight camping and horseback riding are some of the many new adventures Pathway residents pursue.

To find out more about the Ten Keys to Happier Living, visit www.actionforhappiness.org. To learn more about how Pathway residents embrace the Keys to Happier Living in their daily lives, visit www.PathwaySL.com or call 847-768-5100.